Computer class at the University
I spent two years teaching multimedia production at the Masters level in the only public computer science faculty of Burkina-Faso located in Bobo-Dioulasso from 2005 to 2007. It was an amazing experience to be based in this university located 15 km away from the city.
It was my first taste being a university lecturer and I gave classes of PHP, MySQL, HTML, Flash, Photoshop, Soundforge, Premiere, Bryce 3D, web hosting and search engine optimization. I had about 15 master-level students each year and I also gave talks about the Internet and the digital divide at the University and at the French cultural center (http://www.lefaso.net/spip.php?article10530).
I also managed a team to build and host the first university website reachable here: http://univ-bobo.bf. It took us 18 months to have this website online. Indeed, I had to find contents, organize it, take pictures, worked with the University president on reviewing contents, purchasing a domaine name, assisting on DNS redirection, finding an host and finally putting the first version online. This website pushed everyone at University to be more organized, transparent and transparent with information sharing. It was a true success for this small but dynamic university.